Export to MS SQL 2000

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Export to MS SQL 2000

Post by SimonBray » Wed Oct 02, 2002 5:42 am

I am using R&R V9 SQL but the report I wish to run can only be achieved if I run two R&R reports with the second report using the results of the first report as its master table. In Xbase I could achieve this and run the two reports in a batch. I can not see how I can achieve this using R&R SQL as there is no equivalent export to SQL table.____Am I correct in my thinking ? ____Simon Bray.

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=> RE: Export to MS SQL 2000

Post by kfleming » Wed Oct 02, 2002 6:40 am

You could run two SQL reports and output each to DBF and then combine the results as a Xbase report.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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==> RE: Export to MS SQL 2000

Post by SimonBray » Wed Oct 02, 2002 7:06 am

But I would kind of like to give up XBase reporting and just concentrate on SQL R&R.____Is what I am asking for totally off limits - i.e. is it a real no-no for a reporting tool to create SQL tables ?____Simon Bray.

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===> RE: Export to MS SQL 2000

Post by ColinDow » Mon Oct 07, 2002 8:54 am

We use the User SQL report option for this.____We call an appropriate stored procedure which builds a temporary table (effectively your first report) that the second report (now only report) looks at.____Occassionaly it means rethinking how to extract the information for the report but I haven^t come across anything that we couldn^t do this way in MSSQL6.5 so I imagine with 2000 it will be possible to create pretty sophisticated reports.____Beware: I dont think that you can easily switch between user sql and master table reports. A complete rewrite is required.

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