I am trying to call rswrun.exe from a C program using the execRuntime command. Everything works fine from my PC where I have done a full install of R&R. However if I try to run it from a machine where I have only installed the Runtime components I get the following error: Cannot execute Viewer EXE: error code 2. Also, the help file I have for developing applications was written for version 8.1 and I am using version 9.0. Do you have an updated help file?
=> RE: execRuntime
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-02 AT 06:36 PM (EST)]In the Defaults section of your RSW.INI you need to have a line that says:__PROGDIR32=__where the path to RSWRUN.EXE is placed after the = sign.____All of the documentation is available in PDF format on the http://www.livewarepub.com/doc.htm page.____Kathleen__R&R Support