Crosstab reports

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Crosstab reports

Post by moonraker12 » Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:51 pm

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-01-09 AT 11:54 PM (EST)]I need to create crosstab reports and I^ve tried following the cross-tabulating_totals.pdf file and cannot for the life on me get it to work. The column allocation field appears to be working but I can^t create the crosstab values with the expression of __dbr_x_tab = sales_rep sub-sum of dbr_amount__I^m trying to create the expression in the totals field but I find no way of entering the sub-sum of dbr_amount expression since the screen only allows me to build the expression from preselected operators. does this statement go in the conditions section? I^m new to RR and I would really appriciate someone walking me through this or does anyone have a report with crosstabs that can be e-mailed to me so I can learn from.____Best Regards, Jorge

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=> RE: Crosstab reports

Post by kfleming » Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:21 am

Send me an email and I will send you a sample report.____Kathleen__R&R

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