Lines not printing
Lines not printing
I have a report running a pretty simple SQL statement:____select__ distinct Report."PlanogramDBVersionKey", Report."ProductUPC", Report."ProductName", Report."ProductPrice", Report."ProductDesc3", Report."ProductDesc7"__ from __"dbo"."Planogram_Product_Position_Report" Report, "dbo"."Print_Planogram" PrintPln, "dbo"."Store_Planogram_Product" Changes __where__ Report."PlanogramName" = PrintPln."PlanogramName" __and Report."ProductUPC" = Changes."ProductUPC" and Report."PlanogramDBVersionKey" = Changes."PlanogramDBKey" __and (Changes."ChangeFlagDeleted" > 0) __order by__ Report."ProductUPC"____When I add these fields to the report (from the GUI or directly into a blank report using the SQL statement above), price and PlanogramDBKey are the only two columns that print. Because the prices are all different, I can verify through T-SQL that the data is correct. I can also run this statement directly in the SLQ Studio and I get the correct results. Any ideas why the first four columns fail to show any data?
==> RE: Lines not printing
That worked great. Thank you so much for your help!
=> RE: Lines not printing
The empty fields are most likely unicode data types (NCHAR or NVARCHAR). To get them to print, you just need to do a datatype conversion.__So instead of using the field Report."PlanogramDBVersionKey" in your SELECT statement, you can use CAST(Report."PlanogramDBVersionKey" as char(30)) PlanogramDBVersionKey in your select list to convert the field to character data type and use its field name as its alias name. You would do the same for each missing field.______Let me know if you need help getting this to work.________Kathleen__R&R Support