Convert to SQL

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Convert to SQL

Post by Clyde_Coller_(Guest) » Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:07 am

Moving to Dydacomp Mail Order Manager XL version (SQL)__Is there a way to convert my exisitng reports?__Ran rrcnvrt but could not seem to get a working report.__Be advised that I know nothing about SQL except that I have MOM working on a test system. Possibly, I have to do something to enable R&R to access the SQL files.

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=> RE: Convert to SQL

Post by kfleming » Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:08 am

Do you have an ODBC data source that points to the MOM data?____Kathleen__R&R Support

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==> RE: Convert to SQL

Post by Clyde_Coller_(Guest) » Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:15 pm

As I said, I don^t know much.____I installed Microsoft SQL server 2005 and ran the Dydacomp conversion program so I have a working Mail Order Manager XL (SQL version).____Beyond that I need help.

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==> RE: Convert to SQL

Post by Clyde_Coller_(Guest) » Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:15 pm

Replied once but don^t see it.____The MOM conversion setup the following in mom_default.dsn:____[ODBC]__Driver=SQL Server__uid=__trusted_connection=yes__database=MailOrderManager__server=(local)__pwd=____Hopefully this answers the question. Otherwise I don^t know.____I instaalled Miocrosoft SQL Server 2005 and ran the Dydacomp conversion program.__________

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===> RE: Convert to SQL

Post by kfleming » Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:41 pm

You need to convert the reports to RSW files using the MOM ODBC data source. You then need to open each one in the SQL version, re-select the tables, edit the joins and make the changes required due to field name changes that were made by Dydacomp.____It all sounds more complex than it really is. If you want to send your reports to me, I can do the conversion for you.____Kathleen__R&R

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====> RE: Convert to SQL

Post by Clyde_Coller_(Guest) » Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:14 pm

Sorry to be so dense. Please expand on this statement.__"You need to convert the reports to RSW files using the MOM ODBC data source". I am guessing that is accomplished with rrcnvrt.____If I run it and select "from rrw to rsw" all it asks is the name of the file to convert. Is that correct?____When I open the converted file I am stuck. It asks to "Configure Connection". "Free Table Directory" is checked. Where do I go from there?____Appreciate the offer to convert my reports but I have 210 reports in my report folder and need to know what to do. I suspect I am just a few keystrokes away fromn beng able to do it myself.

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=====> RE: Convert to SQL

Post by kfleming » Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:16 pm

Your MOM data source should be using the SQL Server driver not the Visual Foxpro driver.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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======> RE: Convert to SQL

Post by Clyde_Coller_(Guest) » Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:42 am

Got some outside help to figure out how to change data source____Conversion had join problem because it was missing name of file. Went through conversion a second time and it came out okay.____Conversions seem to require manual edit of note fields and calculations due to fields longer than 10 characters.__Is there another way?____Unable to run the report due to db access outer join issue. A message recommended changing compatibility level to 80. No clue what that meant so I changed many to none on options for each relationship and it worked. However, I know I have a few reports where I will not be able to make that change.__What do I do then?__

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=======> RE: Convert to SQL

Post by Clyde_Coller_(Guest) » Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:48 pm

Making progress on MOM conversion to SQL but still have questions about reports.__1) When I use rrcnvrt I can only do one at a time and the file name must be less than about 33 char. Is there a way around the file name length problem (or solve #2 below)?____2) If I use rrsqlwiz, which can do many at a time, I immediately get a "Can^t read file" error on the source. How do I get past this problem? I see no system reason for the error (but obviously there is a reason). I don^t get the error when using rrcnvrt.____3) Once converted with rrcnvrt I still have to select a master file and related files. Is there a way around this since the files have the same names?____4) Joins seem to always be set to "Include Unmatched Records: On Left". Then, when I try to run the report I get an R&R SQL error asking for a compatiblility level of 80. Is there a way to make it be set to Include Unmatched Records: None"? If I could set the level = 80 would that avoid the error in the first place. If so, how do I do it? I can find the stored procedue sp_dbcmptlevel but don^t know what to do from that point. ____5) Is it possible to write a report that pulls data from both an sql MOM database and a dbf database?

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========> RE: Convert to SQL

Post by kfleming » Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:00 pm

1) __You can type in the file name rather than selecting it.____2) __RRCNVRT is the best way to go.______3) No way to avoid the reselection.______4) __Open the file RSWSQL.INI that is in the RSW.EXE folder. __Edit the line DataSourceOuterJoinStyle = 1__that is in the SQL Server section and add a semicolon so that it looks as shown below and see if this helps.__;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;__;;; ;;;__;;; SQL Server ;;;__;;; ;;;__;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;____DataSourceDBMS = Microsoft SQL SERVER__;DataSourceOuterJoinStyle = 1____5) __You would need to do two reports. The first report would be a SQL report against MOM and it would be exported to a DBF. The second report would be a Xbase report using the exported file and a relation to the dbf database using a flexlink index.________Kathleen__R&R Support

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