Problems with ^setLowScope^

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Problems with ^setLowScope^

Post by WEY » Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:07 pm

Hello!____I work with R&R Report Writer for Xbase Version 10+____I^ve got a problem. I work with the function "setLowScope". I^d like to assign a scope, how have spaces at the end. ("1000 ") The function ^setLowScop^ cut everytime the spaces, and so is the resultat not right and the R&R prints false records. Is it possible, that the R&R don^t cut the spaces at the end?____Example:____I assign "100 " as scope. Now he print not only "1000 ",__but "10000 ", "10001 ", "10002 ",... too.____I hope that you can understand what i mean...____WEY

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=> RE: Problems with ^setLowScope^

Post by kfleming » Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:15 pm

Set the low scope to 1000 and the high scope to 1000!!!!____and you will only see 1000 in the report.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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