Update for 8.1 link not working

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Update for 8.1 link not working

Post by ninterdo » Sun Dec 30, 2001 1:40 am

I tried to download the update for V 8.1 on the downloads page but the link appears to be broken. ____Also, the link is bad for the description of this update so I cant tell if this is an update that is important or not.____

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=> Update for 8.1 link not working

Post by kfleming » Sun Dec 30, 2001 11:26 am

Here is the contents of the readme file for 8.1.__I will let our web admin person know about the problem.__Kathleen__R&R Support____RRW81026.TXT __README file for R&R Report Writer for Xbase __Version 8.1.026 Service Pack Update____This service pack includes a number of fixes to RRW Version 8.1.____FILE CONTENTS OF THIS SERVICE PACK (RRW81026.ZIP)__RRW.EXE _dated 09/28/2000__RRW.HLP _dated 07/06/2000__RRW32.OCX _dated 07/20/2000__RRW81026.TXT _dated 09/04/2000__RRWICON.EXE _dated 07/14/2000__RRWIZ.EXE _dated 07/14/2000__RRWRUN.EXE _dated 09/28/2000________INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS__After downloading the file RRW81026.ZIP, open it and then extract it^s contents to your R&R Xbase program__directory replacing the existing copies of these files. Finally move the file RRW32.ocx to your Windows System directory.__DO NOT install this service pack if you have not installed R&R Xbase Version 8.1.________FIXES INCLUDED IN THIS UPDATE____--Result set browser/Export--__-Fixed Export Result Set bug where lines on report layout would disappear after__ closing result set window.__-Fixed Result Set Browser bug with other exports.__-Fixed result set browser exporting unused field.__-Fixed Export DBF so only fields in band get exported.__-Added fields from sorting levels, grouping levels, query, calculated fields,__ total fields and line logic fields to Result Set Browser window.____--Database support--__-Added support for dBase v7.5 files/indexes.__-Fixed problem with MDX support of long index tag names.__-Fixed bug where DBC master file replaced by DBF master file caused__ crash on report re-open.__-No longer allows selection of *.dbc for related files____--Report Specifications--__-Always print alias for print report specification.__-Added "Comment: " to total/calc fields in report specification.__-Added "Total: " and "Formula: " to report specification.____--Other--__-Fixed Wizard problem that would cause extra lines in report.__-Fixed F7-Move bug so that fields can be correctly positioned in all directions using__ keyboard.__-Fixed OCX control for master index property so that master index can be modified__ via OCX.__-Fixed rrwicon.exe to replace "Arpeggio" with "R&R Xbase".__-Fixed help topic Property/Export in rrw.hlp.__-Fixed some minor spellings in status bar on Designer.____ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT "RESULT SET BROWSER"____The current release of the Result Set Browser (RSB) tool has some special capabilities__that will allow Report Designer users to "drill-down" through the data file R&R uses __to build the report. There are also some special aspects to the control of the Result__Set Browser that are related to this ability.____1) Control of records __- The RSB window will contain the records that correspond to the band selected from the__"Export" menu option, "xBase" export type. For example, if one selects the "Record" band in this dialog__box (the default choice), R&R will fill the RSB window with every record in the __composite database. __If, however, one selects the "Summary" band, the RSB window will contain just the LAST __record of the composite database, which would always include the full value for grand__totals.__Selection of one of the group footer bands will present the last record of each group,__with full group totals, grouping values and other field values as of that last record.____2) Selected RSB band within layout__- For the RSB window to contain ANY records, the band selected for export must have at__least one line for the corresponding band in the layout. If one is not present in the __layout, simply add one for the band selected. __The record band can be suppressed using the icon on the formatting icon bar;__ other bands can be suppressed with line logic, or just left blank for spacing.____In future releases, we will add a dialog box to execute upon select of RSB to select__the band for placement in the RSB window.____RSB has several advantages over other methods of "drill-down": ____1) ALL data fields in the report are included at all levels. ____2) The definition of fields is automatic; no separate drill-down definition is required. ____3) The RSB window allows you to shift the position of the columns at will, placing key__fields next to each other based on a variety of contexts.____4) The RSB window can remain open while other activities are performed in R&R.__The window can also be sized and placed adjacent to the R&R Report Designer window__or the Print Preview window.____5) You can save the contents of the Result Set Browser to either a DBF database or__to an XL5 Excel worksheet.______SUPPORT__If you have any questions regarding this update, please contact:__Liveware Technical Support__telephone:_800-325-9035__email:__livesupport@livewarepub.com________

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