Blank report
Blank report
Hi.__If I have a query which retuens zero rows, is there any way to always print something ?__e.g. Blank Line, Blank report header or even a page with something in the header__
=> RE: Blank report
Yes, there is.____You can add a "Title" band to your report (Menu / Insert / Create Band Line / Select Band / Title / <click on "define additional band line properties"> / Create)____The new band line will appear on the report and the "Band Line Properties" dialog will appear. Note that the middle of the dialog has a checkbox: "Print only when no records are found" which does what you are asking. You can format this / these bandline(s) to show a message or report heading or gives some indication of what^s going on.
Chris Strasser
Liveware Publishing, Inc.
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Liveware Publishing, Inc.
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