Print Preview problem
Print Preview problem
R&R 9.0.009__OS Win2k Pro____I work on a laptop. At the office I have access to a network printer. If I have printed a report to that printer, and then later off network try and preview that report I get an error message from R&R, no matter what the default printer is.____I get around it by remembering to print to PDF writer before coming off the network, but still this seems like an uneeded step. Is there some setting I am missing so that a RRW will not be locked into the last printer I printed it too?
=> RE: Print Preview problem
R&R does save the current printer when a report is saved but if you then open that report on a machine that does not have that printer installed, we will default to the current default printer when you open the report in the designer.____Kathleen__R&R Support
==> RE: Print Preview problem
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-02 AT 09:17 AM (EST)]Thanks for your prompt reply but my experience does not confirm what you have described. I tried it again this AM and (no dice)...____1) Set default printer to network printer.__2) Printed report... it came up with pdf writer... canceled and went to print menu. (That part is exactly as you described it should be)__3) Printed to network printer and saved RRW then closed RnR.__4) Unplugged from network.__5) Set default printer to PDF writer.__6) Reopenned RRW in designer and hit preview__7) R&R XBASE: Error retrieving printer information OK|Help__8) Try print from the File menu__9) R&R XBASE: Error retrieving printer information OK|Help____Perhaps it is RnR. Perhaps it is PDF. Perhaps it is Win2k Pro. It is simnple enough to avoid once you are aware of it. ____Last month in a rush to catch an airplane. I forgot to make the switch and couldn^t demonstrate the reports at the customers location. I had to email them back to HQ and have them sent back to me at customers location. It was really embarassing but my own fault.
====> RE: Print Preview problem
If you set up your laptop to log into a choice of 2 different domains, one at the office for the network, and one for when you are not connected, win2k will remember your default printer for each. It will also remember things like smtp servers for outgoing mail which may be different. You will have to set up a new desktop for the new domain, but it will then remember that.____I work exactly the same as you do with a laptop that I use in two offices, one with a network and one without. Works great. No problems with R&R and printers.____-Pat-