Embedded fonts to RTF

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Embedded fonts to RTF

Post by Bob_Velke » Mon Oct 28, 2002 3:33 am

When I embed fonts in a memo <FGARAMOND><P14>Like this<N> then it works to screen/printer but if I export the report to RTF then the font size is preserved while the font NAME is lost. Why? What can I do to fix it?____Thanks.____-Bob (Using R&R XBase v9)

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=> RE: Embedded fonts to RTF

Post by Bob_Velke » Wed Nov 06, 2002 4:43 am

Kathleen? Can I have an answer to my question, please?____-Bob

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==> RE: Embedded fonts to RTF

Post by Bob_Velke » Fri Nov 08, 2002 3:26 pm

Kathleen!?!____What do I need to do in order to get an answer?____-Bob

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===> RE: Embedded fonts to RTF

Post by kfleming » Fri Nov 08, 2002 9:19 pm

As much as I might like to always have an immediate answer and accurate answer for all questions as I initially read them, this is not always the case. The best way to remind me on answers I still owe is generally to send a email directly to me. __The forum software is supposed to highlight any new unread messages, but sometime either it or I fail to see some which is what happened to your reminder to me on the 6th.____I have not had a chance as of yet to replicate the problem you have described but will do that now and will let you know what if I see the same thing.__My guess is that this may fall into the realm of bugdom. If so and if it is somewhere within the code that implements RTF, then a fix would not likely come any time soon.______Kathleen__R&R Support

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====> RE: Embedded fonts to RTF

Post by kfleming » Fri Nov 08, 2002 9:33 pm

I just tried it and do see the same thing.__I looked at the RTF with a hex editor but knowing little about the file format, cannot think of an easy way to get there.__Would printing to a PDF work for you or does it have to be RTF?______Kathleen__R&R Support

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=====> RE: Embedded fonts to RTF

Post by Bob_Velke » Fri Nov 22, 2002 3:10 pm

>> As much as I might like to always have an immediate answer __>> and accurate answer for all questions as I initially read __>> them, this is not always the case. The best way to remind __>> me on answers I still owe is generally to send a email __>> directly to me. ____I wasn^t asking for an immediate answer. After 10 days and 3 messages, I was looking for any kind of answer.____>> Would printing to a PDF work for you or does it have to be RTF?____When I tell my users that they can output RTF (because that^s what Liveware tells me), then I think that they would be upset if I advised them that a fix is not likely any time soon and that they might use PDF instead.____It boggles my mind that you don^t expect the same from your customers.____>> My guess is that this may fall into the realm of bugdom. If __>> so and if it is somewhere within the code that implements __>> RTF, then a fix would not likely come any time soon.____Oh, I see. Well, I have a list as long as my arm of things that "fall into the realm of bugdom" - most of which I have been reporting to you for 8 years or more and have survived four major releases. ____Maybe it would eleviate my frustration if you would tell me which, if any, kinds of bugs in R&R *are* taken seriously enough that I might expect a fix "any time soon"?____-Bob

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======> RE: Embedded fonts to RTF

Post by kfleming » Sat Nov 23, 2002 12:00 pm

There are really 3 factors that influence what gets fixed.__The first is how likely most users will be to encounter the problem.__For example, the V10 bug that we fixed in 10.0.011 where fields used in a query were not given a file alias when required would be a high impact bug going to the top of the fix list.__The second is the severity of the problem. Bugs that result in a crash fall into this category. __The third factor is whether we can indeed find/fix the source of the problem. The 100% CPU usage problem is one that is falling into this category. From the outside it may seem simple but from the inside it has proven to be quite troublesome.____It is indeed true that there are some bugs that have been present in R&R as long as there has been an R&R. Though it may seem just a excuse, we are really an extremely small company with limited resources to do all of the things that we would like to do.____Overall, I think that even with its flaws, R&R remains a solid tool.______Kathleen__R&R Support

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=======> RE: Embedded fonts to RTF

Post by Bob_Velke » Wed Nov 27, 2002 11:21 am

OK, so I understand if you think that bugs with RTF support and embedded codes don^t affect enough users to warrant fixing them. But is it reasonable under those conditions to claim to support those features? If you don^t intend to fix bugs in them then, by definition, you don^t "support" them!____And how many times and by how many users over how many years (using this board alone as a judge) have you been asked to fix the inability to control the paper tray at runtime (like every other Windows application does)? All we^re told (time after time) is that you expect it will be in the next upgrade - and it isn^t.____Liveware continues to ask for my money and for nearly 10 years I^ve handed it over. (I got yet another solicitation to upgrade just yesterday). And for nearly 10 years I have been reported bugs - and I can^t think of a single one of them that has been fixed.____Sorry but Liveware^s small size is not an excuse to continue adding new features with each release while not fixing known bugs. One might expect Liveware to recognize that the best salesman is a long-term customer who feels like the company is interested in more than just getting his upgrade money.____-Bob

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========> RE: Embedded fonts to RTF

Post by kfleming » Wed Nov 27, 2002 4:44 pm

The paper tray bug is indeed a big shame on us for not being able to fix to date. We definitely deserve to be scolded for this one.____Believe me that we at Liveware care deeply about this product and our customers. Our business decisions are not just made from the pocket book but also from the heart.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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=====> RE: Embedded fonts to RTF and PDF

Post by Bob_Velke » Fri Jan 03, 2003 4:58 am

Kathleen,____>> Would printing to a PDF work for you or does it have to be RTF?____In fact, output to PDF has a worse problem. When it encounters an embedded code (e.g., bold), it loses track of horizontal spacing, resulting in one word printing right on top of another!____This is a make-or-break issue for me, Kathleen. No kidding around. I need to know with authority whether this is going to be considered a priority and be fixed. I am happy to beta test it if I can help but I need a solution, at least with respect to PDF! PDF output is one of the main reasons that I upgraded. Now it turns out that I can^t output text with embedded codes to either RTF or PDF which effectively nullifies my huge investment in time and money in R&R.____I need a solution. Please tell me that you are going to do something about it.____-Bob__410-715-2260 x127

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