text fields lose returns
text fields lose returns
I am having a problem with text fields apparently losing information when they are being read from a database.____If the field contains:__Line 1.__Line 2.__Line 3.__Line 4.__R&R displays:__Line 1.Line 2.Line 3.Line 4.____If the field contains:__stuff __stuff stuff ____stuff__R&R displays:__stuff stuff stuff____stuff______I am using R&R version 9.0.009.__SQL Driver version 2000.81.7713.00__Fields are Data Type text.____I have written a program in C++ which reads and writes from this table. I have verified that all the returns and newlines are in place both before the information is saved and after it is read back in. Any ideas?____
=> RE: text fields lose returns
In your RSW.INI file, add a section named SPECIAL.__In this section there are two available variables, ASCIIEditor and CharRaw.__Try setting __ASCIIEditor=0__If that does not help, then instead try__CharRaw=1____Here are the settings and their possible values. If not explicitly set, then the default values are assumer.____CharRaw=0 __(default) converts tab into space & removes all other control codes except for <NL>.__CharRaw=1__no conversion is performed; a large character field will be brought into R&R exactly as it is returned from the database.____ASCIIEditor is Ignored if CharRaw is non-zero.__AsciiEditor=1 __(default) a single <NL> converted to space; 2 or more consecutive <NL> chars will be preserved.__AsciiEditor=0__line endings in large charfields will be preserved (except special dBASE memo editor "soft return" sequence, which is converted to singe space.______ __Kathleen__R&R Support
==> RE: text fields lose returns
ASCIIEditor=0 did the trick.____Thanks Kathleen!