tablename not in dropdowns SQL10+
tablename not in dropdowns SQL10+
A Recent addition to the database is an effort to provide a "parameter control table" per the R&R help.____the file, however, can^t be found in any drop-down offering a list of tables for the database.____a reboot of the sql server machine, and the R&r machine hasn^t changed the situation. ____a rename of the file (rptParameters -> theParameters) likewise had no effect.____Does anybody know what^s necessary to get R&R to recognize an additional table in a database?____thanks, bryan
=> tablename not in dropdowns SQL10+
Is this the only missing table?____Kathleen__R&R Support
==> RE: table not in dropdowns SQL10
Hello K,__yes. it is peculiar. Earlier today I added another table in an unrelated effort. This was before I used R&R today. That file is there. ____Since posting the orig msg, I^ve rebooted/coldbooted for various other reasons -- and each time I hope its just a hiccup. Until now though no change.____Bryan
===> RE: table not in dropdowns SQL10
Aacch, rookie____forgot to set the permissions...