Zeros Not Showing - Sometimes....

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Zeros Not Showing - Sometimes....

Post by Mike_Wilcock_(Guest) » Fri Apr 29, 2005 6:07 am

Hi,____We use R&R 11 with Xbase++ and seem to have discovered a slight anomaly. Sometimes on our reports zeros do not display even though the show zero flag is ticked. This particularly seems to be affecting our carriage field which is a numeric field.____Oddly though if you actually replace data into the field, for example...____Replace POPHEAD->CARR_NET With 0.00____The zero will then show on the report.____Anyone have any ideas?______Mike

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=> Zeros Not Showing - Sometimes....

Post by kfleming » Fri Apr 29, 2005 6:55 am

The data field may be empty rather than containing an actual zero value and that is why R&R displays an empty value rather than a zero. But if you do a calculation that says:____IIF(datafield=0,0,datafield)____you will convert the nulls to zeros.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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